Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Fling Kids Hop Event Signup Now
The "SpRiNg FliNg KiDs HoP" will launch on March 31st at 12:01 AM and end on April 5th at 12:00 PM.  
$5.00 to participate  in this event and includes 2 choices of the following, 
you decide on how entrants will follow/like your blog!  Facebook, Twitter, 
 RSS, Email subscription,
Networked Blogs, GFC, Pinterest – it is up to you!
This will help you!!! 

From The Co-Hosts
"Oh! My Heartsie" and "Mommies Point of View" are shooting for
$100.00 Cash Prize From PayPal, if we reach 50 bloggers in participation.
So the more participants the bigger the event.
Participants will be responsible for their own sponsors and are welcome to 
self sponsor your prize, the prize should be at least $25.00 and about kids. 
Suggested prize ideas can be, books, games, toys, backpacks, gadgets, 
baby items, calculators, educational tools,
or a combination, etc. as long as your prize totals $25.00 
It is not required to be just for kids, that is the suggested theme.

This event is open to 50 blogs and will increase your readers/followers 
increase your social media exposure!!
You may increase your followings and pay an additional $1.00/each

Signups will close when we reach 50 blogs
Write a post announcing the event sign-ups with the banner code in side bar
and include the message below:

We are having a "Spring Kids Fling Hop" centered on babies, children to Tweens.
Oh! My Heartsie and Mommies Point of Review present Spring Fling Kids Hop 
from March 31 12:01AM Est to April 5th 12:00PM and accepting signups now.

Be sure that you add my email to your contacts so that you receive my communication.
After you create the post about the event, grab the banner code
and have sent your Paypal payment 
to karrenh@gmail please 
return to add you blog link, be sure to spell correctly.
Contest listed on 
Linkies Contests
Sweep Goat
Mom Bloggers
Giveaway Blogs
Mom Bloggers on Facebook
Mom Blog Society
Giveaway Promote Events
If you would like to help get out the word, please grab the banner
and add it to your side bar share this to your favorite social media 

1 comment:

  1. i love to join this one!!! :D

    but i still need to think of my prizes yet..hehehe..

    ~gagay, here..from The Grand Event alexa drop.. :D


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